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radiation oncologist中文是什么意思

用"radiation oncologist"造句"radiation oncologist"怎么读"radiation oncologist" in a sentence


  • 放射治疗肿瘤医生


  • Radiation oncologists at u - m hae deeloped a method to shrink tumors that spread to the lier , in some cases allowing them to be remoed with surgery
  • Dr . michael mac manus , a radiation oncologist at the peter maccallum cancer center in melbourne , australia , and colleagues followed 2 , 337 apparently incurable lung cancer patients who had received palliative doses of radiation . writing in the journal cancer , they said 1 . 1 percent of the 2 , 337 patients lived five or more years after treatment - considered remission
    研究人员发现,接受治疗后, 2337名患者当中有1 . 1的人幸存了5年或更长的时间,他们的病情被认为有所好转,其中还包括18名痊愈的患者。
用"radiation oncologist"造句  



A radiation oncologist is a physician who specializes in the treatment of cancer patients, using radiation therapy as the main modality of treatment. Radiation can be given as a curative modality, either alone or in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy.
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